Supporting others through serving is a privilege. However, if you are giving only to be recognized for your efforts, are you genuinely serving with an attitude of joy and generosity?
I find that serving in nonprofit, civic, and industry leadership is a privilege and an honor. I get to be of service and help others. It is a joy and a delight.
Serving isn’t a one-way street. I get at least as much as I give, but usually more! The areas where I volunteer my services teach me about the local culture, community, cities, and local business community. I make connections and create relationships that benefit my business and clients.
When I am doing this work, I am not thinking about myself. Instead, I am thinking about what I can bring to the organization and how to help. How can I help improve the organization using the knowledge and skills I have developed over the years?
My work with the real estate industry provides insights into the real estate market and the regulatory bodies that affect the market. I work with groups such as NAR, CAR, Local associations, and City governments. In addition, I have the privilege to advocate for Private Property Rights. This is meaningful work for my industry and my community, which I love!
As a member of the Architectural Review Committee for MY City, Cathedral City, I see everything that goes before the Planning Commission. They are looking for our opinion on how they look and feel with the surrounding businesses, commercial spaces, and, in some cases, housing developments. Not only is it essential to maintaining the city’s image, but it is fascinating work. I won’t lie; offering my unfettered opinion and input makes me feel like a valuable member of the city. I cherish helping my City!
My work with the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce and the local business community helps me to advocate for businesses at the local level. These businesses provide many economic benefits to my community.
Having the heart to serve my community and industry has also helped to shape me into a better, more understanding person.
The benefits of serving your community and industry can be numerous. I found that my service:
- Provides me with a sense of being part of something greater than myself.
- Helps me to feel a greater sense of community.
- Offers the opportunity to make new friends.
- Teaches me new skills.
- Makes me a happier, well-rounded person.
To find the right places to serve, assess what is important to you. Then look for opportunities.
Some places to get started may be:
- Local service organizations
- Community groups
- Local government
- Youth organizations
- Senior Centers
- Food pantries
- Animal shelters
There is a need for service. Not only for the organization you will work with but deep inside you. The best part of service is that you will make a difference in the lives of others.
When you begin any opportunity with a sense of joy and generosity, you will find that you receive so much more than you can ever imagine.
I bring that same attitude of giving into my work by helping my clients understand the ins and outs of their real estate transactions. Contact me, Stephen Burchard, The Desert Bowtie Realtor, taking the (k)nots out of real estate.